Monday, September 12, 2011

Puzzle Pieces.

Before leaving for BYU someone mentioned to me "you'll learn a lot about yourself in college, like if you're the type of person who makes your bed everyday or not." As simple as this sounded at the time, I've found it to be very true. In these past few weeks I have learned so much about who I am as an individual. Coming to school was a real struggle for me and I left a lot of happy times in Carlsbad. The week before school started, I came up early and went to The Foundations of Leadership Conference in Aspen Grove. I was one of the last lucky ones to get in just days before the conference began. At FOL I was able to really evaluate myself and start putting the puzzle pieces together. I was allowed time to reflect about the leader I was and the leader I want to become. Questions I have considered:

Who Am I?
In regards to leadership I have been supported by people that I have loved and served. I found in different secular leadership positions that "Leading By Example" is affective but it's not enough. It is more important to get to know the people around you and the people you are working with than just being your best self. I am a big believer that becoming friends with someone is one of the greater acts of service that a man or woman can do. One of my most cherished gifts is my ability to make friends and stay positive in trying situations. I think that the light of Christ that I have is easily seen by others and it attracts them to me. By becoming close with people and sharing my happiness I know that they can count on me for anything and vice versa I can hold them accountable to be there for me. It's definitely a two way street as I see it. One challenge that I do have is trusting people. I wish that I could be more trusting of people but I know that starts with trusting myself. It's more of a complex idea than just a "get-to-know-you blog", but I know there are things as a leader that I have to work on, and I need to take time to better myself before I can be a leader to other people.

What I Do?
I am happy to go the extra mile and be a leader in clubs, sports, friendships, etc. I'm that friend who makes plans for the weekend and throws out invitations for everyone to get ready at my house before we go out. I really like working with administration and people who have held leadership positions. I think it's beneficial to observe how people interact and give directions. I am a huge people-watcher and like to learn about relationships. I live the idea "you GET what you GIVE". On sports teams I was privileged to be captain of three teams, an officer in two clubs, the vice president of my choir, and heavily involved in our ASB. The seasons that I was captain were so memorable and special to me because I put so much into the program and the girls on the team. I don't mind having responsibility, in fact I like to be held accountable for things. I like when people have expectations and standards that I have to live up to, it's almost like it keeps me in check. If I'm not doing it for anyone else, I'm doing it to better myself. A successful is selfless though which is kind of contradicting of my last statement, but it's important to "make sure you have your own life in order before you act as a leader and influence others".  When this is done you can begin to meet other peoples needs and look for ways to serve them.

Why I do, What I do.
I simply do what I do because that is when I am happiest. We are all here on Earth for the same reasons and I want my time to be the best I can make it. With that in mind, and happiness and fulfillment as my goal it is the obvious choice to serve people and to become a leader in the capacities I've been called to or if there is a need for leadership. Sometimes I feel selfish almost because it all ends up coming back to me and is making me a better person. It goes in a full circle, but that's the beauty of service.

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