Sunday, September 18, 2011

Having a SMART vision.

For Wednesday's lecture Ryan, our BYU/SA President spoke to us and presented a power point about the importance of having a vision and holding onto your vision. Being fresh out of high school and brand new to this university I thought it was all very timely. I've always thought it was important to have a vision and know the direction to take in your life but Ryan pointed out that: in life we have a plan that gives us hope and allows us to be charitable. With that in mind it's easier to map out your life with a purpose beyond self-fulfillment, but to be charitable and know that when my life is set and organized that I can devote myself elsewhere and give service. The vision I have for my life is to ultimately be married in the temple and live with my family eternally. In order to get to fulfill that I realize the importance of holding onto that vision and not letting go of it! Goals must be made to reach that vision. Goals that I've made are- 1. Creating a stable foundation for my testimony. 2. Keeping myself worthy to go the temple 3. Graduating BYU and 4. Working in Special Education programs incorporating music.

I was impressed by the vision statement of BYUSA and how important it is for the entire university to not only be personally healthy but reach out to the "intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, [and] physically poor among us." I also like that BYU has made it our mission to be centered on Jesus Christ and contribute to building Zion. I love knowing that we stand for those things and make it our mission to be proactive, it motivates me to be better!

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