Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Becoming Palin

Going into this leadership exercise I had planned to give a presentation on Sarah Palin, the leader I was assigned, but we just did some questions as a small group which was much easier than I was expecting it to be, so thankfully I came very over-prepared. I really enjoyed this project, learning about the leader, becoming like them, and dressing up, and I thought it was especially appropriate on Halloween! I actually learned a lot about different leaders and public figures through the discussions we had at our tables.
We had the privilege of being at the same table with Teddy Roosevelt. He was really interesting and had some similarities with Palin since they're both political leaders and had like motivations tactics. Teddy Roosevelt was talented in rallying up troops as a war hero and he was able to get thousands of men behind him and support him and that's something I found to be unique. Unlike other politicians who are concerned with the vote of the people, Roosevelt was able to actually relate to them and serve with them.
It's hard  to say that some of the motivation techniques would work for day to day leadership because many of the leaders that we learned about were extraordinary. In my daily life I don't see myself as being able to be such an influence over so many people. One thing that I know I can apply to my own leadership is working directly with the people I'm serving so leadership can become more of a service and people can therefore pass it on in a sort of "Pay-It-Forward" effect.

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