Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Motivation Through Inspiration

There are many ways to be motivated. As humans we are naturally motivated through flattery, bribery, manipulation, intimidation, power, and most importantly inspiration. I think leaders are most effective in motivating when inspiration is involved. To excite someone about a cause and seeing that person become truly passionate is amazing to watch. I know that when people motivate me and then I can look back on my growth I am proud of the things I've done. It can be simple things like, finishing my biology homework which I always dread, or bigger things like becoming involved in a service group and getting myself lost in service. I don't always willingly join every club or service activity but when I do I can always see the blessings from it.
Our speaker in class today gave examples of some very talented leaders who were able to motivate a lot of people for a particular cause. Many church leaders and prophets are especially gifted in this area. I think they are excellent people to look to in seeing how that have been inspirational for members in and outside of the church. One of the things that theses people have that I know I could definitely work on is public speaking. Next semester I want to take public speaking class because I know that could really help me in a lot of aspects. Motivating has a lot to do with the three C's -- Character, Cause, and Courage. In remembering the three C's it should be an easy reminder of the aspects of motivation that are necessary.
I've had a couple really great examples in my life of people who have made a difference because of how they motivated me. In the two examples I'm thinking of their reasons for becoming involved was because they loved me. It made such a difference because it was completely selfless, they didn't do it to get ahead in their own lives but they simply love me and want to see me happy and successful. The first one is my Mom, she's always been amazing she encouraged and motivated me to do what I wanted and assured me that she trusted me and had confidence in me. My mom always let me make my own choices but motivated me to be hard-working and a young woman of integrity and I think that has really helped me become the person I am today. Second is my high school counselor Mr. Ashton, he had hundreds of students to take care of but he always made time for me to stop by and chat with him about my life and he gave me such great counsel and advice. I appreciate the confidence he had in me and always told me that he thought I was such a capable young lady, he always motivated me to push myself and get outside of my comfort zone. He explained that there are some people in the world who need to make up the slack for people who may not be as hard-working or dedicated and that it's my job to be "one of the good ones". He motivated me to be a leader at my school, to stay humble, and be diligent in everything I do, but he was a friend to me and a familiar face that I was always comfortable with. I am so grateful for the people in my life who have helped me to become who I am, and I hope that someday I will be an inspiration to someone and be able to motivate them in a sort of pay-it-forward endeavor.

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