Tuesday, October 11, 2011

And we work it out.

Unfortunately, when I had logged on before it didn't save and before I hit publish it all erased. But mainly I focused on describing how it was more difficult than I thought it was going to be at first to create a group project that we all were going to agree on. At first we met together and created a vision and some goals for our project. We chose what we were going to do for our project but in the beginning it was a little bit awkward because since we're in a leadership class and learning about teamwork, I think we were all trying to be conscientious of each other and making sure that we weren't going to offend anyone or try and push our ideas too much. We didn't get everything resolved but we were able to get a really good idea going that I thought everyone was excited about. We decided to make a few calls and see if the project and goals were do-able and we were going to meet Wednesday night.
   On wednesday night we were able to meet again and over night I think people thought more about the project and they wanted to change a few things. After suggesting other ideas, we were all a little bit frustrated and just wanted to be able to settle on one idea and keep the vision that we had already created two days prior. After suggesting all sides of the outcome of the project and checking how feasible it could be, we decided on our original idea that I think will work out really well and the group seems like they're ready to take it on! In the end it all worked out and I think that if our group continues to apply the things that we're learning about in classes and discussions that we'll be really successful and it will be a fun project!

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