Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Lucky Day!!

    The day we learned about communication in my lab was my lucky day!! I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so much, and we totally made sandwiches in class. We were split up as pairs and one partner was supposed to make the sandwich and the other was supposed to give the instruction of how to assemble the sandwich. The point was to focus on how we need to communicate clearly with people. After, we were instructed to split the sandwich in half and share between the pairs. The lucky part for me is that my partner doesn't like peanut butter so I got a full sandwich all to myself!!
    Anyway, I know that as a good leader it's important to set a good example if you want people to follow. Not only do you just lead by example but there are many elements and one of them is through communication. New and different ways that I hope to apply communication as a leader include, being patient, making sure goals are the same, and involving other people.
   I know that I am an effective communicator but my weakness is definitely listening. It's easy to do simple things, like make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but when it comes to relationships or problems I tend to lose sight of a common goal and will only think of my side of things. I feel so bad when my roommate tells me stories about her day and I completely tune her out...next thing I know she's asking me a question and I have no idea how to respond. We've all been there at least once, and it's more than uncomfortable. I hate when people do that to me so I know that's something I definitely need to work harder at!

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