Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Put First Things First

Midterms would have been a great time to do a Facebook fast...however, I needed the extra push from these class discussions to encourage me to get off of Facebook. So this week, I have chosen to eliminate distractions and especially Facebook. Rebekah asked us to make "Fish" for the week which I didn't completely understand but I did it anyways and came up with two things: Implement a rewards system of making time for priorites, etc. Make school a job. Put FIRST things FIRST.
Tamara encouraged us to eliminate all distractions from our lives and it's helped me to work a lot harder on prioritizing my time. Right now I'm all set for using my time wisely but I know myself and in about a week or so I'll be right back to my old habits. So I hope that I can remember how productive I'm being and continue to work at it. It's been really nice and surprisingly easy to not have these distractions, it's made me work harder to take care of the relationships that matter to among doing day-to-day homework assignments.
The rewards system I actually already did, I just didn't even realize or put a title on it but I'll tell myself that I can't do a certain activity until I get something more important done. For example my favorite skit on SNL is called "The Lawrence Welk Show" and I wouldn't allow myself to watch the episodes until I got my American Heritage done, my sister has started incorporating this method into her study skills as well. It is a little childish to have to set limits like these but it's better to do than just procrastinate.
One of the things I learned from this lesson on time-management was that "Time= life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life.” – Alan Lakein I know that by mastering time I'll be able to master my life.

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