Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Powerfully & Prolifically"

      I am really grateful that one of my strengths is being able to communicate with the people around my who are important and mean a lot to me. Unfortunately when there are people I'm trying to impress, or people who I don't know as well I feel like I need to be careful about what I say because I'm so worried about them not liking me.
     Our guest speaker Ms. Brittany Steele was able to give new insight about communication. One of the things that stuck out most to me was a quote explaining "Our communications reflect in our countenance. Therefore we must be careful not only what we communicate but also how we do so." This really made me think about my attitude and how I communicate things to people, especially my body language and the little things that I typically don't think about when I'm trying to make a point, or introduce new ideas. Something that I think I need to work on is being more receptive to other people and the things they say. In order to be a good communicator I know that it's equally necessary to be a good listener, and involve myself in others to be a good leader. Also in leadership there are time that I need to be more confident and take initiative. Something else that I definitely need to work on is being more analytical about problems. I can continue to have positive optimism and communicate messages that may be hopeful and inspiring to help other people.
     My friend Chloe is learning about the church right now and something that I wish I could do better is the way that ideas are presented. I don't want to confuse her or scare her away so I know that I need to be well spoken and easy to understand especially when discussing difficult ideas about church doctrine. Hopefully I'll be able to influence her and help her understand through my communication and countenance.

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