Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Stupid Mouth

John Mayer is one of my favorite artists and he always has really personal and relatable songs.  After I broke up with a guy who really meant a lot to me, I played this song on repeat in my room while I stared at the ceiling. The song is describing a boy and a girl in conflict and there is a slip up where someone just says something utterly stupid. I feel like I do this and it's most detrimental with people that I truly care about. Sometimes I think that to avoid conflict it's in human nature to say something else to get around the heart of the matter. I've learned the hard way that this is absolutely not what I should do. 
  I tend to run away from conflict but in doing so, I dig myself into a deeper hole because fear prevents me from facing the problem. Avoiding conflict gets me no where...I just end up saying stupid things to try and get myself out.  The lesson about conflict really opened my eyes to seeing how much work I have cut out for me. At first I didn't agree at all with the statement "Conflict is the lifeblood of vibrant, progressive, stimulating organizations." Conflict always has such a negative connotation with it but now I know that it can be very healthy and effective. Conflict encourages growth, personally and within organizations so it had a very important role in society.
  I think some conflict can be avoided and it's important to "never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved". My roommate for example NEVER takes out the trash, and she never washes the rice cooker after she uses it. For me though, I don't mind cleaning and it doesn't bother me to the point where I feel like I need to bring it up, so it just works easy to do it myself. Maybe if it gets to the point where I'm really frustrated by it i'll say something but for now I'm perfectly happy going the extra mile and helping out :)

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