Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rules of Physics...

The hardest part for me about decision is the fear of upsetting someone. The rules of physics teach that every action has an opposite and equal reaction.
A lot of times it's hard at first but once the decision is made it's easy to follow through. Although every decision ultimately has a consequence, some decisions are more significant than others. President Monson explains, "Decisions determine your destiny". Such a lofty claim requires serious contemplation. Certain decisions do require more thought and consideration than others do; however, it is of the utmost importance in either case to make decisions in a timely manner. Timing has everything to do with making a decision, it's important to be conscientious of making a decision in haste and on the contrary waiting too long. I think more often than not, when I ruminate over a decision for too long, I end up confusing myself and becoming extremely indecisive. However, if I simply let my intuition take over, and make decisions that feel right, as opposed to make the most logical sense, I find that I am much happier with whatever I decided. Overall, it is never easy to decide something for oneself, especially in confusing situations, yet at the end of the day it is important to make decisions that not only make sense logically, but also feel right too.
When making decisions for the group it is important to focus on what is best overall, as a leader, decision-making must be selfless. After the decision is made, I need to remember to go forward with that choice. A lot of times I'll try and un-do something that I feel uncomfortable with, but I know that it's necessary to make the best of every situation! Theodore Roosevelt said, “In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing”. I need to work on being more deliberative and I need to stop worrying about all the other elements and fears that come with decision-making. When I need to, I can always seek advice from people who love and care for me and most importantly I can pray for peace and comfort and know that through living faithfully I can always receive divine help.

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